Women's Hybrid Leggings

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Womens Hybrid Active Wear Performance Leggings

Available in both MerinoFusion 190 and PolyPro+

MerinoFusion 190
Experience the unparalleled combination of durability and luxurious comfort with our MerinoFusion 190 leggings. Crafted from a hybrid weave of superfine merino and polypropylene, these leggings provide a soft and snug fit, making them perfect for base layer thermals. Whether you’re skiing, bush walking, sailing, running, cycling, traveling, or enjoying casual activities, these leggings offer exceptional performance and comfort.

PolyPro+ 190 
Engineered for versatility and optimal performance, our PolyPro+ 190 thermal active wear leggings are designed to meet the rigorous demands of various activities. These mid-weight garments are tailored for recreational, exercise, sporting, and extreme temperature activities. With their ability to withstand diverse weather and climate conditions, these leggings ensure durability, resilience, and comfort, allowing you to fully enjoy your outdoor adventures.